Engineering Your Tomorrow...Today

Brett Miller started Miller Land Surveying, a full service surveying firm, in 2005. After years of requests by clients, both new and recurring, to provide Engineering Services as well as surveying services, he decided to develop MLS Engineering. In 2013, MLS Engineering was created and continues to grow. We provide a long list of consulting/engineering services and cater to our client's needs while providing those services at a competitive cost. Even though the MLS Engineering brand has only been around since 2013, our staff has over 70 years of combined experience which spans a wide range of engineering disciplines. At MLS Engineering, it is our goal to ensure that a quality project is designed and built that meets the client's expectation, budget, and schedule. Our team will strive to save construction cost and resolve any unforeseen issues through strategic design and value engineering. As a professional firm, we seek to further our education pertaining to new and improved technology and construction means and methods and try to incorporate those new advancements where possible while also keeping in mind the best economical interest of the client. 

Contact Us


221 Tower Drive
Monroe, Indiana 46772
Phone: (260) 692-6166


10060 Bent Creek Blvd
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825
Phone: (260) 489-8571